The sheep shed is ready to shelter our ewes with their newborn lambs! Here is Beau the Llama being feed a tasty tender branch of hazelnut sucker last fall. The shed withstood the horrific rain and winds storms of last December 2007. It is a true shed, from a USDA plan from the 1960's. We can store almost 5 tons of hay, and wish we had even more room for hay! I visited a neighbor recently who has a huge giant shed, and he says his is not big enough - either. Hmmmm. Family activities and life and outside work have taken me away for awhile from writing/blogging, so hope to make a little time to make regular entries from now on. We did have many wonderful pounds of Icelandic rovings processed recently, we have creamy white, smokey black, morrit/reddish brown, ligth gray/buff, a sturdy black with white, and even our first batch of lambs roving that spins up a heathery gray! You may view the rovings at our website
www.Dolcefarm.com Back to the lambs, they are arriving any day - we started a waiting list for lambs, and after the people on the list make their choices we post it for everyone else. I'm getting ready to send in several beautiful lamb pelts, we sold out pretty quickly on our first batch we posted.