Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pastured Eggs at Dolce Farm and Orchards

Pastured means they have unlimited access to grass and weeds. Mother Earth Magazine printed an article and had several farmers who sell pastured eggs have their eggs tested by a lab.
They found that pastured eggs have

  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • Two times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • Three times more vitamin E
  • Seven times more beta carotene
And 3 to 6 times the vitamin D of typical grocery store eggs.

Pastured eggs from our farm, deep yellow, orange yolks- so much flavor!
The difference is unlimited access to grass, weeds and greens. Not to mention bugs and worms. 

During the winter months, despite having a deep cycle marine battery and a solar panel to recharge, our hens just lay fewer or no eggs during the winter months. During this time, they eat a substantial amount more than when the sun is shining and the grass and bugs are flourishing.  

We have noticed new farmers with chickens will figure what their feed costs are when they have just bought some laying hens. Lo and behold come the winter months and the hens aren't laying for 3 months and eating 25 - 50% more feed and not bringing anything in to cover the cost of feed. If your feed costs are $21 a week and there are no eggs to sell for 3 months, lets see -
21x4= $84 per month x 3 months is $252 in the hole once they start laying eggs in the spring.  So many fellow farmers haven't sat down with a pencil and paper and figured out what it is really costing. And oh yes, the solar panel at $90, the deep cycle marine battery $75 or so, pine shavings every months, etc. etc.  Pastured chickens are not in a controlled environment, and lay fewer eggs than commercial chickens. Plus small farms tend to enjoy the heritage chickens which have good meat qualities as well.  We like to keep our hens for as long as they are still laying. So they have a longer life than just 1 year or so for the commercial chickens.
 hens out on pasture

To find a farmer with pastured eggs for sale near you - go to Local
You can enter your town or zip code.  

Do try the taste test - crack and scramble a store egg in one fry pan, and a pastured egg in the other.
See and taste the difference for yourself~!  

We have pastured eggs from our heritage hens available spring - summer - fall. In the winter
months inquire about availability