Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cloudy Spring Day

We've all spent much of the morning working in the fields, the kids helped clip the tops (garlic scapes) of the garlic going to seed - that helps the bulb grow larger and keep longer. (cut garlic scapes)They are also good sauteed in olive oil with a little salt and pepper - even the kids like them! They taste like really mild garlic greens, but with a hint of artichoke. They also have been chopping off the tops of wicked thistles, trying to use fewer sprays is our goal. I've been cleaning out the llama's favorite areas in the pasture- goodies for the garden come this fall! Kevin is cutting out the windows in the shed, much to the concern of the barn swallow couple who has taken refuge on the rafters and built a nest there. The siding has arrived and that should shore up the sheep shed. One of the black mouflon Icelandic lambs wanted to snuggle up to the ugly Bella the Llama, no such luck, she wouldn't have anything to do with him.

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