Thursday, June 21, 2007

Roving to Yarn

Just spun up some almost bulky Icelandic singles from roving, this is from a gray-moorit ewe ( grey on the inside of the fleece, moorit (reddish brown on the outside). I just love spinning the wool from my Icelandic sheep. She is Yvonne, a very curious and lovely gray-moorit Icelandic Ewe. (Here pictured in the front at the right, with her twin lambs, a morrit badgerface ewe lamb in the middle and here HUGE grey moorit spotted badgerface ram lamb to the far left. Roving is washed, and then carded fleece made into a tube shape (not hollow), and is such a lovely combo of light grey with the oatmeal - moorit colors. I made a skein on my niddy noddy, but am going to look into purchasing a skein winder to create a more even skein. I first learned how to spin on a spindle, then after a couple years moved to a double treadle Lendrum spinning wheel and I just love it (but I do enjoy spindles too - a spindle can go to the doctor's office, swimming pool, park, camping, well, everywhere a wheel might be a bit too cumbersome to carry along). Spinning on a wheel or spindle is just so very centering and relaxing, a fine tranquilizer after a stressful day.

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